Moving on is not hard.
The fear of being alone is.
And holding on too tight to that fear.
The hard part of break up is when you have been ghosted, left hanging, and promised heaven and earth but left in limbo. You are buddies with family and friends, and you do not dare to confront the queries and pity.
The worse part is you are bracing to condone him once he appears on your doorstep.
Worst, you are not ready; it hurts so bad that you can feel your heart is shattered into minuscule pieces.
I feel you. I've been there, who hasn't?
But there are a plethora of ways to move on. The best amends for others are jumping off the ship and hanging on to another rope on the precipice.
Yes, it works for a while; however, a rebound relationship is another suicide most often than not.
Here are 10 No-BS and Practical Tips for Moving On after the HeartBreak
1. Why not try to be alone in the meantime?
Discover those qualities you have set aside at some point because you were busy with your relationship. You might consider drawing; I did.
Even if I wasn’t remarkable, but it helped. Or try the magic of coloring books. Tracing the lines will set your focus on what you’re doing. You will not think of that ex in the meantime.
It is also beneficial to practice mindfulness, and placing your mind in a habit can help you move on. Not guaranteed, but it positively can mollify the agony.
2. Listen to music.
Are you a music lover? Sing along even you seem inferior to your favorite artists, but who cares? Concentrate on the lyrics and sing your heart out. Remember, Adele and Taylor Swift have both benefited from their awful break-ups. Or you can try composing your own song; it’s like writing a poem. Tune in to every music even if it swells out your tear ducts; in time, you’ll run out of reasons why you are crying. 3. Watch a movie alone.
Even if you feel foolish eating that large popcorn, but it is liberating. Cry if you must or laugh; it’s catharsis. The pain will fade and return perhaps, but who knows it won’t?
You can use all expletive words silently when you see lovers flocking around or determine to end the suffering and fixate on the happy thoughts, possibly. Best to watch comedy instead of lingering in a pathetic state and self-pity.
4. Write.
Don't mind the grammars or the subject-verb agreement or the correct use of syntax; express what you want to say. Or write a story and get back at that someone through writing. Remember, words are better than a sword. I killed people in my stories, and it felt good, albeit there was no inflicted pain; it satisfies just the same.
Writing or journaling will help you with any stress. You can write either about your everyday life or your angst; it is a way of coping.
Journaling is also meditation.
Later on, positivity will have your focus and you will refrain from entertaining thoughts that take away your peace.
5. Write a thank-you letter.
Everything you are grateful for and lessons from your relationship, write them down. Be certain you meant what you say. It’s not about healing the relationship with your ex, but rectifying the pain within you. It’s not about him/her; it’s about you.
Of course, who says it will be easy? You will grapple with anguish and sorrow and you will stare at the blank screen, but with all the grief, the lessons, and those are the best entry to your gratitude journal.
Let me provide you an example, Juan, thank you for forgetting our month-saries because it taught me that affirmation is my language of love.
Or, Juan, I am grateful for your tempers because I learned to never sweat the small stuff.
Gratitude is powerful, and you will be up and running before you know it.
6. Refrain from entertaining another relationship.
In short, no to rebound kind of thingy. If you cannot heal yourself, thus you will create a cycle, vicious one. And you will attract the same type of person if you open your door while you are still broken.
Mend until you no longer have to be defensive when somebody mentioned your ex.
Try to think things through. Have you been single for so long to recognize the beauty of being alone? Or you have never been alone for a length of time and the reason of the heartbreak was constantly the same. Either you clung too tight or that person took you for granted.
Learn from the mistakes you have made previously and take time to breathe and smell the flower.
You do not have to open your heart to a man who knocks first right after you slammed it closed.
7. Stop stalking or even sending random messages.
It won't work. You will appear desperate and needy. Whatever you will discover will cause you more pain. It will be unfair to yourself; stop sabotaging your happiness.
You want genuine happiness, love yourself more, not fragments but whole.
Love yourself more, that anybody and anything that comes near you is just mere add-ons.
They go or they stay; you are in one piece.
Breathe deeply when an urge to call or message that person is too loud. That urge will subside after 3 deep breaths.
Or focus on the things you disliked about him/her and stay there. Would you be happy in misery while your ex is having the best of his life?
It's always a choice.
8. Always prioritize yourself.
Love yourself first.
Do not put someone on top of your list if it's not reciprocated.
Stop the heroism complex. It will lead you nowhere but to continue demeaning yourself.
Focus on self-respect and self-preservation. If s/he loves you, there's no reason to demand attention, remember that.
9. Go out and reconnect with nature.
Walk barefoot on the grass or sand.
Run fast until your lungs scream, pause, and feel your pulse.
Count your steps and feel the cells in your body singing life.
It's also favourable time to start your procrastinated self-care activities.
Attached are activities you can use.
10. Exercise. Run. Stretch.
You need to release that negative energy.
Shape up, and you will realize you've beaten yourself for so long. That you overlooked, you deserve the best because you are the best version of who you are.
Tone up because that's the best you can do, not because you want to flaunt the new, sexier you.
Give up on revenge, give love to yourself, body and soul.
The best step to every break up is finding solace in being alone. Heartbreak is not that painful, it's your identification with the pain that causes your misery. What's fearsome is the fact that you will thread the world solely again. And memories are everywhere, but solitude will teach you to love yourself more. To listen to the music in silence.
Give yourself all the time you need to heal and learn the essence of positive talk.
Pat your back and whisper, this too shall pass, even if the tears are unstoppable.
Moving on is easy
Just learn to let go
When the tears come, let them flow.
Without tracking the time, you will wake up one day with lesser heartache until what remains are just memories, no more pain.
When that time comes, all the tiny pieces will fix themselves back together.
All whole.
All brand new.
Stronger, wiser, and better you.
And above all, you will enjoy your own company, and you will get to know your own needs. It may seem that you lost the relationship, but a better you is worth more.
Start with your relationSelf and enjoy all the perks of genuine happiness.
Reread the suggestions again and follow them by heart.